Friday, March 20, 2009

My Response to "Queens for Christ"

Recently I was encouraged to invite the girls in our youth group to a church sponsored beauty pageant entitled "Queens for Christ: Celebrating the Beauty of Christ." The purpose of the event I am told is to celebrate Christ's beauty and the sisterhood of Christian women. You can read my response below. Summary: We aren't going. 

I don't mean to be critical and please understand my heart and attitude is one of concern and not divisiveness. I believe the purposes that you stated for this event and the event itself could not be any more opposite. The title of the event is "Queens for Christ: Celebrating the Beauty of Christ" and you said quote "Racheal's idea is to bring girls together to represent the beauty of Christianity and the sisterhood amongst Christian young women." By saying those things and then using them in the context of a "beauty pageant" you automatically divide the sisterhood and limit it to those who meet worldly criteria of "first impression, personality and appearance." The beauty of Christ is that through Him we gain acceptance regardless of these things and we are invited to enjoy fellowship with other men and women as brothers and sisters because of our unity in Christ, not the similarities we share in looks. I for one will not be recommending such an event to my youth group. I counsel girls regularly who have been discouraged and at times defeated by the notion that "first impression, personality and appearance" are things to be pursued in our culture. How can I recommend such an event when I have girls struggling with eating disorders as they are deceived by the world's lie that such things give worth to someone. Instead I will continue to encourage my girls to pursue "good deeds and godliness" as the fruits of their salvation. I am disappointed to learn of such an event in our community. I would ask that you please reexamine the purpose and title of such a pageant. I believe the current communication fails to proclaim the beauty of Christ and fellowship available to women as sisters in Christ. 

Adam Vinson

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