Friday, July 16, 2010

It's Getting Closer...

Romans 13:11 offers a great deal of encouragement to those of us who are born-again. "Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed." (ESV) It would do us all good to remember the enthusiasm and joy we felt when we first responded to the glorious truth of the Gospel. What thoughts were we having as we heard of Christ's sacrifice? What conviction did we feel as we saw our own sin? What reasoning did we undergo as we weighed the cost of renouncing all to follow Christ? What awe did we experience over being snatched from the flames of hell? Let us remember during times of doubt and discouragement as we persevere in the faith that our salvation is closer today than when we first accepted it. Whatever circumstances, thoughts and convictions led us to accept the good news on that day, allow that to continue today, remembering that what we gave up this world for then, is even closer to being realized in all its fullness today.

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