Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Refine Me Over and Over

I heard the rumor but tried to ignore it. Jennifer Knapp's song "Refine Me" from her album Kansas has long been one of my favorite songs. It reflects the ongoing struggle we have with sin and the need we have for the Lord to change us. Jennifer left the Christian music industry back in 2003 and went to live in Australia. Upon her return this year she announced her decision to live in a lesbian relationship for the past 8 years. She is continuing to pursue this sinful relationship as she begins a new musical journey, separate from the Christian world. I find myself both saddened and angered by these developments. Saddened because of the choices she is making and the lifestyle of rebellion she is living. Angry because of the deceitfulness of sin, the failed joy that it promises and the hurt and brokenness it causes. Sin is to be hated and we are to long for the Second Coming to indeed come soon so that sin and death can be dealt with for good. In the meantime let us all head the lyrics of Knapp's song "Refine Me" and the teaching of Hebrews 3:12-14. Let us rely on the Holy Spirit to refine us every day from our own evil desires and let us "take care" to exhort each other regularly (daily) so that none of us become hardened to the deceitfulness of sin.

Lord...Come with your fire, burn my desires
Refine me
Lord...My will has deceived me, please come and free me
Refine me

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